Florida White Rabbit for sale87



    Florida White Rabbit for sale

    Florida Whites continue to grow in popularity because they are a true show rabbit taking many Best In Shows every year. The dedicated breeders in our organization have increasingly strived for excellence in the breed. Because Florida Whites are a versatile breed they are raised in a variety of climates for a variety of purposes. They are excellent mothers, good small fryers and are raised for research in addition to being raised for showing.

    The Florida White Rabbit Breeders Association offers a variety of services for our members. With your membership you receive a guidebook and a newsletter which keeps members informed of club news. We offer sweepstakes and convention awards to encourage competition. Our youth membership is continually growing due to our active members. The Florida White rabbit makes an excellent 4-H project. Their small size make them ideal for youngsters.

    We welcome you to our association and feel every member’s input is vital to a strong, growing organization.

    These bunnies have a compact body type that is meaty and a round, small, sturdy head and a short neck. Its ears are thick and stand in an upright position, but at times, they may fall on either side of the head.

    Also, the “depth of its body is equal to the width throughout the shoulders, ribs, loins, and hindquarters (source – Adoptarabbit.com).

    Seniors weigh 4 to 6 pounds with 5 pounds being the ideal weight while juniors’ weight should be between 2.25 and 4.5 pounds.

    During judgment, they consider their coat which is awarded 65 points and the remaining 35 points are for its fur and firm flesh.


    As its name suggests, it comes only in a white color without any marking and pink eyes (albino eyes).


    Their coat has flyback high-quality white fur on their sleek and tight pelts. Its fur does not shed much unless it’s molting.




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