Angora Rabbit34




    Angora Rabbit for Sale

    The Angora rabbit (Turkish: Ankara tavşanı), which is one of the oldest types of domestic rabbit, is bred for the long fibers of its coat, known as Angora wool, which are gathered by shearing, combing or plucking. Because rabbits do not possess the same allergy-causing qualities as many other animals,[citation needed] their wool is an important alternative. There are at least 11 distinct breeds of Angora rabbit, four of which are currently recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA):2 English Angora, French Angora, Giant Angora and Satin Angora. Others include German Angora, Chinese Angora, Finnish Angora, Japanese Angora, Korean Angora, Russian Angora, St Lucian Angora and Swiss Angora.


    The English angora weighs 5 to 7 1/2 lbs at maturity and is the smallest of the angora breeds. It’s also the most popular angora for the show table because of its unique face and ear “furnishings.”

    This angora benefits from daily grooming to keep the coat free of mats and debris, as it has more wool percentage than guard hair. This means that while they are gentle with children, they aren’t suitable as a child’s rabbit. Coat care is simply too great. They produce 10 ounces to one pound of fiber per year.

    Satin angoras were created through a cross between a French angora and a satin rabbit. At 6 1/2 to 10 pounds, the coat has incredible shine thanks to the unique quality of the fiber scales.

    The wool is dense and a pleasure to harvest. Spinners find it wonderful to work with because it’s easy to spin. This breed isn’t one of the bigger wool-producers, however (about 10 to 16 ounces of wool per year).

    Often mistaken for the giant angora, Germans are not accepted by the ARBA but do have their own association and shows through the IAGARB. This is the breed for major fiber production.

    They weigh from seven to 11 1/2 pounds and can produce an amazing 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 pounds of wool per year. German angoras resemble the English in that they have those irresistible facial furnishings (or tassels), albeit much less of them


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